Winona State Forest

Post date: Feb 22, 2016 6:58:11 PM

For only the 2nd time during the winter of 2015/2016, I headed out to do some snowshoeing (and photography, of course!) with friend Rod. On our way to the trail head, we were met with a red fox running down the road towards us. I was lucky enough to jump out and grab a few shots of him/her on its hunting perch. Very exciting! After a few miles of snowshoeing and rather blah photography, we grabbed a couple of architecture shots to end the day. Please enjoy!

Red Fox Hunting - Composition #1

Red Fox Hunting - Composition #2 (My favorite of the bunch.)

Red Fox Hunting - Composition #3

Insect paths on a fallen tree stripped of its bark.

Church steeple - this is what we call a "vertorama" - it's a vertical panorama. 3 different shots merged together.

Church Front Door

Steeple window
