New York Model RR Show
Post date: Nov 4, 2012 4:52:44 PM
While taking a break from working on term papers for my Master's Degree at IBC (, I decided to head over to the NY State Fairgrounds to explore the model railroad show. I've always been a fan of model railroading and riding the rails in general ( and I find it inspiring the amount of accurate detail that these folks put into their craft. Here are a selection of shots from my visit. You may click on each photo for a larger version. Enjoy!
The detail on some of these models is just incredible!
Now model railroading includes the use of Lego!
Another Lego train - who knew?!
A nicely done trestle bridge among the trees.
Many of the larger layouts had multiple tracks for running multiple trains, simultaneously.
Cows! These little guys were no larger than a Lima bean in real life.
A little man walking down a little street towards a little truck. A lot of work goes into the realism of these scenes.
Always good to have a rail yard for parking extra rolling stock.
An engineer heads into work at the turntable.
Passengers awaiting departure.
Because the show was held in Syracuse, NY, there were many examples of the New York Central line.
Another, older, New York Central line example.
This is a wonderful model of the largest concrete trestle aqueduct crossing from PA.
One of the benefits of modeling is choosing your own season. :-)
"All Aboard!"