First Trips, 2018
Post date: Mar 11, 2018 3:06:31 PM
It's already March - yikes! It's been a busy start to the 2018 and I've already made 6 trips for work around the US and Canada. The travel is great and I enjoy meeting our customers and seeing all of the different campuses. But, it's always better to come home. Anyway, here are some photos from recent trips to Spokane, WA and both Alberta and Ontario provinces in Canada. Enjoy and I'll try to keep up throughout the rest of the year!
A Snowy Owl near St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada.
A SECOND Snowy Owl near St. Catherine! We actually saw three, but these two were the most photogenic.
I was traveling with two co-workers from the UK, and they don't have many of the song birds we find common. So we spent some time photographing at a local park and they were able to get photos of many birds that were new to them.
A sultry female Cardinal. LOL!
One of my favorite little birds, the Black-Capped Chickadee. I'm still trying to get a perfect shot of one.
A male Wood Duck. This was a new one for me - I'd seen them in the past, but never got a photo. This one has paired himself with a female Mallard. They say love is blind!
The common black squirrel found throughout the northern US and Canada.
A Red-Tailed Hawk watching me watch him (or her.)
I even got to hand-feed some of the locals! Really fun!
There were also loads of Trumpeter Swans trying to stay out of the freezing cold in this little harbor.
Trumpeter Swan close-up.
Next trip was to Spokane, WA and Edmonton, Alberta. This is the Spokane River rushing past the central park in downtown, home of the 1974 World's Fair. Some of the structures still stand, but the whole park was being renovated so I couldn't get close.
One of the sights from the World's Fair.
There is also the historic Spokane Flour Mill, which is now condos and shops. As a bread baker, I could live there!
The Rockies! This was on my way up to Edmonton, Alberta from the plane.
I loved the pattern of this mountain side. Reminded me of the top of the Chrysler Building.
The vast expanse of Alberta, Canada! I'm thinking snowshoes...
Last stop: University of Alberta - this is sunrise over campus.
Lots more trips to come!